Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What to ask? What to ask?

It is best to ask open-ended questions that are not answered by a “yes” or “no.” For example, when I asked Perry Jackson to tell of his life and what was his earliest memory?, he answered with this descriptive statement: “I’d better start out the day I was born. They say the doctor slapped me, and I said, ‘Where’s my gun and my fishing pole?’ Hunting and fishing were the two things I really love to do.”

When I ask him question # 12 from the list below: Describe what the main street of your town was like, he told an interesting story of an event that happened there rather than a description of buildings etc.

Here is a list of questions to help you or someone you know start their personal history. This list is only a beginning to help you make your own list of additional questions or inspire you to get stories from your family you never heard before.
1. What do you believe is your earliest memory?
2. Tell about your brothers or sisters? What makes each of them special?
3. What kind of lessons did you take as a child?
4. What do you remember about your first home?
5. Describe your favorite smell from your childhood.
6. Do you recall any outstanding trips or summer vacations you took as a child?
7. Tell about a favorite vacation as a child. As an adult.
8. Where did you go to grade school? Describe It.
9. What was a typical school day like as a child?
10. Did you have a favorite school teacher? Why?
11. Did you have a bicycle? What was It like? Where did you ride?
12. Describe what the main street of your town was like.
13. Describe your favorite “spot” in the world.
14. What Instrument do you wish you could play?
15. What special things did you do with your mother?
16. What special things did you do with your father?
17. What games did you play as a child, both indoors and outdoors?
18. What did you want to be when you grew up?
19. Do you recall any special event that took place In your neighborhood when you were growing up? (fire, accident, illness etc.)
21. Describe a night at grandma’s house.
22. Describe your grandparents.
23. Describe your parents.
24. What did you look like as a child? What were you like?
25. What were you frightened of as a child?
26. What was your most embarrassing moment?
27. Describe a childhood Christmas?
28. What was your most memorable Christmas?
29. How did you celebrate Christmas as a child?
30. Describe getting a Christmas tree with your family? How did you decorate it?
31. What did your parents do for a living? Your grandparents?
32. Are there any family heirlooms in your family? Tell about them.
33. Tell about how you learned to drive.
34. Tell about a frustrating experience you have had with a car.
35. What was your favorite Saturday activity as a child.
36. Describe Sunday as a child.
37. What things do you enjoy doing today that you did as a child.
38. What do you feel Is the most important world event that has taken place in your lifetime.
39. Describe a serious illness you have had.
40. Tell about your first date.
41. Who was your first boy friend (Girlfriend)?
42. How did you meet your husband (Wife)?
43. Describe how you got engaged.
44. Describe your wedding day.
45. Tell about the birth of your first child. Each child thereafter.
46. Here it comes . . .What were you doing when John F. Kennedy was shot?
47. What are the top 10 most wonderful things that have ever happened to you?
48. What is the most adventuresome thing you have ever done?
49. What is the most trying experience that has ever happened to you?
50. What is comforting to you physically, mentally and spiritually?
51. Describe your first paying job.
52. Tell about the places you have worked.
53. Would you choose different if you could choose your occupation again? What would it be?
54. What is your favorite holiday?
55. Have you had a religious conversion? Describe it?
56. Tell about some of your friends (both as a child and as an adult).
57. Tell about several times when you were trouble.
58. Describe the events of your birth.

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